АО "Фонд проблемных кредитов"

Collateralized property sale within the debt collection procedure

As of: 07.02.2025
Тип взыскания задолженности
Объект реализации
Дата и время проведения торгов
Cсылка на ЛОТ
Банкротное производство
AО Omega.kz
A built-in non-residential premises with a total area of 322.20 square meters, along with an adjacent land plot of 0.3863 hectares (share 0.0107 hectares), cadastral number 20:314:014:030, is available for sale. The property is located at 57 Nazarbayev Avenue, np. 58, Almaty. Property Description: The built-in non-residential premises are located in the basement of a five-story residential building with a separate entrance. All necessary utilities are available. The premises include two restrooms, water supply is connected, and there are no windows.
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