Citizenship: Republic of Kazakhstan
Date of birth: 31 December 1971
Current election date: 24 June 2024
- Zhambyl Technological Institute of Light and Food Industry;
- Taraz State University named after M.Kh. Dulati.
Academic titles, degrees, activity
- In 2000, he defended his PhD thesis: “State regulation of industrial production in the context of a transition economy (using the Republic of Kazakhstan as an example)” and received the degree of the Candidate of Sciences in Economics;
- In 2010, he defended his doctorate dissertation on the topic “Theory and Methodology of Formation and Implementation of Industrial Policy (using the Republic of Kazakhstan as an example)” and received the degree of the Doctor of Economics.
Work Experience
Began his career in 1994 as an inspector of the Zhambyl city tax inspectorate of Taraz.
- 1994-2012 – worked in the tax service and held various positions from inspector of the Zhambyl city tax inspectorate of Taraz to the head of the Departments for Kostanay, North Kazakhstan, Pavlodar and Mangistau regions;
- 2012-2013 – Deputy head of the administration of the Mangistau region;
- 2013-2014 – Vice President of the «Chamber of Tax Consultants of the Republic of Kazakhstan» Public association;
- 2014-2017 – Chairman of the Committee on Public Procurement of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- 2017-2019 – State Inspector of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- 2019-2021 – Corporate Relations Partner at International Audit Company Russell Bedford A+partners LLP;
- 2021-2024 – Vice-rector of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi.