Administrative premises and restaurant, 2024.8 sq.m.
Administrative premises and restaurant, 2024.8 sq.m., with a land plot of 0.47 ha,
Cadastral number of the land plot: 05:085:031:078;
Purpose: For placement of administrative premises and a restaurant;
Divisibility: Indivisible,
Location: East Kazakhstan region, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Novaya Gavan St., Building 6 (Mashinostroiteley St., Building 1/10);
Type of property: Building;
Fund: Non-residential fund;
Functional purpose: Administrative premises;
Address: East Kazakhstan region; Ust-Kamenogorsk city; Novaya Gavan St., Building 6 (Mashinostroiteley St., Building 1/10);
Appraiser: LLP «A8 Consulting Company»;
Appraised value, KZT: 239,126,000.00;
Appraisal date: 15.11.2024.